a girl between two dialects
still a screen and still a searching, learns
the season of breakup
another word for spring
can come before or after
depending on where you grew up
online, back and forth
a word in the mouth tumbles
birch-sapped june
season snow spotted
river melt
child again
wrists and creek bone
a river-girl
slick with mud
frost and word-melt
this poem takes place in her imagination
this poem takes place
miyoskamin me and you are s-kin
miyoskamin me and you are s-kin
in ohkoma’s language
where verbs never stand alone
a girl’s tongue curls nêhiyawêwin
into the nerves and walks from a room
to where miyoskamin returns
and ice opens
A meditation on language and the season of breakup
“Breakup” by Selina Boan from Undoing Hours, Nightwood Editions, 2021, www.nightwoodeditions.com